red light therapy bed

Three Reasons Why You Should Try Red Light Therapy
Book an Appointment Today!


"I have more energy than I have had in years. I have less chronic pain, and when I experience pain I no longer contract around it." -J.E.
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"I learn about myself and my body in ways that I can take care of myself." C.K.
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"I love my healing work here. On the practical side, I noticed my money went to wellness rather than illness this year! Wow that's huge." A.S.
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"Instead of 'fixing' me, the focus is on me healing, not an isolated part, but all of me." L.K.
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"The pain I had when I came in seemed to disappear in the first week of care, and now I know why I'm really here, and that's to heal myself."- S.V
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Try these Anti-Inflammatory Foods When You’re Stressed Out!

Try these Anti-Inflammatory Foods When You’re Stressed Out!

August 10, 2022

Try these Anti-Inflammatory Foods When You’re Stressed Out! Can stress and anxiety cause inflammation? Absolutely. Chronic stress can create chronic health issues. Over time, stress can break down the immune system, impact the gut and digestive systems, put extra strain on our cardiac health, and affect our mental well-being. The main culprit? Cortisol! Our adrenal glands produce cortisol as a…

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Tap into the magic of the vagus nerve

Tap Into The Magic of The Vagus Nerve

August 1, 2022

Learn to flip off that fight or flight feeling and flip on the parasympathetic nervous system! We can tap into the magic of the vagus nerve which allows us to toggle between a stressed-out, tired nervous system and a cool and calm nervous system. Who’s in?

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A Multi-faceted Approach Healing

* Dynamic Whole Person WELL-BEING,   

Self-Care and Optimal Living

*Elegant and LEADING-EDGE Chiropractic - Network Care   (NSA and SRI)


*Functional Nutrition



Learn more by calling Scher WELLNESS CENTER at 505-989-9373 and ask for our special social media promotion consultation to see if this is the right path for you.



